2013-10-29 09:54:46

The Department of European Studies and International Relations
Would like to invite you to the
Research Seminar
Cypriot Embassy Placements and Function Abroad:
An Examination of the Influences of Investment Decisions
Ellada Hadjimanoli
Former MA Student of Dept. of European Studies and International Relations
Wednesday, 30th of October, 2013
11:30 – 13:00
Room: M115 Conference Room, Millennium Building (1st floor)
University of Nicosia
Seminar Coordinator: Craig Webster
Cyprus lacks the resources to place embassies in every country in the world. As a result, Cyprus is forced to make choices about which states will be rewarded with embassies. By combining quantitative and qualitative methods, it is concluded that the need to promote its national interests led the Cypriot Government to place its embassies and send more staff in powerful countries, EU members, and countries with which it maintains significant economic relations. Furthermore, overseas Cypriots, Middle East countries and subjective factors, in terms of governmental preferences and ideological and sentimental reasons, also appear to affect the Cypriot embassy placements and function abroad.
R.S.V.P. – Tel: 22841600, Email: cceia@unic.ac.cy
Would like to invite you to the
Research Seminar
Cypriot Embassy Placements and Function Abroad:
An Examination of the Influences of Investment Decisions
Ellada Hadjimanoli
Former MA Student of Dept. of European Studies and International Relations
Wednesday, 30th of October, 2013
11:30 – 13:00
Room: M115 Conference Room, Millennium Building (1st floor)
University of Nicosia
Seminar Coordinator: Craig Webster
Cyprus lacks the resources to place embassies in every country in the world. As a result, Cyprus is forced to make choices about which states will be rewarded with embassies. By combining quantitative and qualitative methods, it is concluded that the need to promote its national interests led the Cypriot Government to place its embassies and send more staff in powerful countries, EU members, and countries with which it maintains significant economic relations. Furthermore, overseas Cypriots, Middle East countries and subjective factors, in terms of governmental preferences and ideological and sentimental reasons, also appear to affect the Cypriot embassy placements and function abroad.
R.S.V.P. – Tel: 22841600, Email: cceia@unic.ac.cy
Στην Αθήνα σήμερα ο Λαβρόφ
Χανιά: Σοβαρά τραυματίστηκε μοτοσικλετιστής στο κεφάλι