2017-11-03 20:00:14
Φωτογραφία για Free Your Mind
The media controls our every thought. The media is owned by the corporate. What we see and read is the government’s interpretation or, even worse, society’s. Everything you think is a thought you were made to think, a thought millions of others think and believe. The world is corrupt and we live far too blissfully in ignorance to stop it.

Can we just pause for a moment? Oh wait, never mind. We can’t do that, because if we did we’d miss something that we’ve been told to believe is oh so important. We’d miss school, we’d miss work. We miss a class, a day of learning information that will do nothing but close our minds, we miss the opportunity to get a grade that will define our self/esteem for the next four years, not to menti on our chances of getting into a good university.

We put value on those numbers that convert to letters and back again, as if they had the power to give us CPR, to revive us, to teach us to breathe again
. Sadly, we breathe just to do work that will provide us with those numbers and letters and then we do it again and again, until it never ends. We miss a day of work, we miss an opportunity to get an opportunity to show the boss what good little worker bees we are, in the hopes that they might think about granting us a promotion (What’s that? Another opportunity? Well, I’ll be damned).

Every time we even think about thinking about pausing, much less taking a brea

k, we immediately withdraw, thinking about missing something. We are spiteful of the system because we know it’s constricting us, but we want to survive as well. We are caught up in the system. We are stuck in it and it’s like being stuck in a rut. We aren’t really creating anything new; we are simply cycling the same concepts through system over and over.

They will try to make you believe that you’re free, but I once heard someone say that in order to be truly free, it is important to have a mind of your own, free from the constraints of outside parties (outside your head, that is). You might realize that I’m right and then get caught up in the system again (inevitably). Please, don’t get completely consumed in it this time. Free your mind.
