2018-02-23 16:00:35
You just can’t make this stuff up.
From CBSNews.com post “Cell Phones & Cancer: 8 Dumb Things to Boost Possible Cancer Risk” Mistake: Encouraging kids to use cell phones
Why should parents discourage kids from holding cell phones against their ears? Because their skulls are thinner, for one thing, and their brains are still growing fast. Thinner skulls aren’t as good at blocking cell phone radiation, Dr. Davis says.
Use a land line, text, or use the speakerphone function or an earpiece – anything to keep cell phones away from their heads.“Sprint’s ‘1Million Project’ to give Mount Vernon students free cellphone, internet”
“As teachers increasingly adopt online curriculum tools, it’s important that we as a District seek to provide digital equity to our students beyond the school day,” Joseph McGrath, the district’s technology administrator, said in a statement.
Mr. McGrath and the rest of the Mt. Vernon school district may not be aware that this idea of “providing digital equity” to students is being lambasted by past and present tech inventors as well as investors because Silicon Valley parents have been sending their kids to expensive private “low tech” schools for many years now.
Silicon Valley parents (including Steve Jobs) have limited their kids’ use of cell phones and other technology in their homes as well.
Besides being a “Possible Cancer Risk” “… no “safe” level (of cell phone radiation) has been scientifically determined for children or pregnant women.
Safety guidelines and standards for cell phones were also designed over 20 years ago for adults – not children.
And as many are witnessing firsthand, children and “Digital Addiction” is a big problem right now.
Back to the article: “According to Sprint, “70 percent of America’s high school teachers assign homework that requires Internet access…”
If Silicon Valley parents don’t want their kids using tech all that much, why should non-Silicon Valley parents want this?
Cell phones have been known to malfunction, catch fire, and/or explode.
Research has also determined that cell phones are 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat.
If Silicon Valley kids aren’t required to use all this new technology to get a top-notch education, why is this required for the rest of America’s kids?
Does this make sense to you?
For more information, contact the following organizations.
Center For Safer Wireless (https://www.centerforsaferwireless.us)
Citizens for Safe Technology (http://citizensforsafetechnology.org)
Environmental Health Trust (http://EHTrust.org)
National Association for Children and Safe Technology (http://www.nacst.org/)
Parents for Safe Technology www.parentsforsafetechnology.org
Scientists for Wired Tech (http://scientists4wiredtech.com/)
We Are The Evidence https://wearetheevidence.org/
By B.N. Frank
From CBSNews.com post “Cell Phones & Cancer: 8 Dumb Things to Boost Possible Cancer Risk” Mistake: Encouraging kids to use cell phones
Why should parents discourage kids from holding cell phones against their ears? Because their skulls are thinner, for one thing, and their brains are still growing fast. Thinner skulls aren’t as good at blocking cell phone radiation, Dr. Davis says.
Use a land line, text, or use the speakerphone function or an earpiece – anything to keep cell phones away from their heads.“Sprint’s ‘1Million Project’ to give Mount Vernon students free cellphone, internet”
“As teachers increasingly adopt online curriculum tools, it’s important that we as a District seek to provide digital equity to our students beyond the school day,” Joseph McGrath, the district’s technology administrator, said in a statement.
Mr. McGrath and the rest of the Mt. Vernon school district may not be aware that this idea of “providing digital equity” to students is being lambasted by past and present tech inventors as well as investors because Silicon Valley parents have been sending their kids to expensive private “low tech” schools for many years now.
Silicon Valley parents (including Steve Jobs) have limited their kids’ use of cell phones and other technology in their homes as well.
Besides being a “Possible Cancer Risk” “… no “safe” level (of cell phone radiation) has been scientifically determined for children or pregnant women.
Safety guidelines and standards for cell phones were also designed over 20 years ago for adults – not children.
And as many are witnessing firsthand, children and “Digital Addiction” is a big problem right now.
Back to the article: “According to Sprint, “70 percent of America’s high school teachers assign homework that requires Internet access…”
If Silicon Valley parents don’t want their kids using tech all that much, why should non-Silicon Valley parents want this?
Cell phones have been known to malfunction, catch fire, and/or explode.
Research has also determined that cell phones are 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat.
If Silicon Valley kids aren’t required to use all this new technology to get a top-notch education, why is this required for the rest of America’s kids?
Does this make sense to you?
For more information, contact the following organizations.
Center For Safer Wireless (https://www.centerforsaferwireless.us)
Citizens for Safe Technology (http://citizensforsafetechnology.org)
Environmental Health Trust (http://EHTrust.org)
National Association for Children and Safe Technology (http://www.nacst.org/)
Parents for Safe Technology www.parentsforsafetechnology.org
Scientists for Wired Tech (http://scientists4wiredtech.com/)
We Are The Evidence https://wearetheevidence.org/
By B.N. Frank
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