Παρασκευή, 21 Μαρτίου 2025|21:43:22
2020-03-17 17:52:43
Φωτογραφία για If Turkey in pursuit of its destabilizing agenda continues to weaponize immigrants & place their lives in serious danger the world must act
The Erdogan regime is sending tens of thousands of immigrants to the Greek border with the false

promise that they will be able to cross to Europe. There are reports of violent attacks from fascist groups in Turkey against immigrants who don’t want to follow Erdogan’s orders. His regime has organized mass population movements and actively encourages them to illegally cross state borders and enter Greece. By doing so, Ankara puts the lives of hundreds of thousands in danger. To move this mass of people quickly, the government is collaborating with para-state illegal networks of human traffickers. The financial profits from this inhumane, illegal activity are great both for smugglers and corrupt Turkish bureaucrats.

The EU will soon be faced with uncontrolled mass currents of illegal migrant flows, among them many jihadist terrorists and others who have been recently released from Turkish prisons and promptly sent to Greece’s border. This will continue to happen, unless the EU takes serious initiatives to prevent the Erdogan regime from this action.

Unfortunately, Germany took steps that exacerbated the problem: instead of containing the Erdogan regime, Berlin chose to provide money, legitimacy, and the sale of weapons to Ankara. Instead of supporting crisis-ridden Greece to deal with the migrant challenge, Germany implemented policies that turned Greece into a buffer zone to prevent refugees from reaching northern Europe.

We are very worried about the new immigrant crisis triggered by Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who threatens peace and stability in the eastern Mediterranean. Erdogan has not been alone in this. His regime has been collaborating closely with Iran in deliberately pushing hundreds of thousands of immigrants across their borders, to reach Europe. By weaponizing thousands of immigrants, these two regimes blackmail Europe to consent to their authoritarian and expansionist agendas. If their blackmail succeeds, the whole region will explode.

Demographic Engineering

The Turkish government, by refusing to control its own borders and by encouraging masses of immigrants to illegally enter Greece, breaks international law and undermines its own legitimacy as a recognized state entity. It also plants the seeds for extensive demographic engineering in the northwestern European part of Turkey, in a historic region called eastern Thrace, at the land borders with Greece.