2012-10-15 23:01:16
Φωτογραφία για Η αντίδραση της κας Βασιλικής Αρονιάδου, ελληνίδας καθηγήτριας στο F. Edward  Hébert School of Medicine USUHS / HJF, προς τον υπεύθυνο του Harvard, σχετικά  με τα μαθήματα του ΓΑΠ, στο εν λόγω πανεπιστήμιο.
From the Website of the Institute, I was informed that the Fellows and Study group Program has organized a series of seminars /discussions, titled “Redesigning Europe ”, to be presented and led by George Papandreou ( http://www.iop.harvard.edu/redesigning-europe-led-george-papandreou).

Please understand that for the majority of Greeks who live in Greece and experience the hardships, as well as for Greek Americans who, in desperation and indignation are watching Greece drowning and do not know how to help, GEORGE PAPANDREOU IS A WANTED MAN.

A man who should be investigated for treason, a man who, intentionally or unintentionally (unfortunately there is a lot of evidence for the former) bears the greatest responsibility for Greece’s downfall and for the consequences on the Greek people, which range from closing their businesses and losing their jobs to ending up homeless or committing suicide. 

It is inappropriate for your prestigious institute, at these crucial times, to invite George Papandreou to offer his insights regarding “sovereign debt crisis”, “solutions to global problems”, “Will austerity make our economies competitive?” etc. 

Is he, seriously, the authority to talk about austerity and the impact on a country’s competitiveness? 

Presenting himself as a “socialist”, I doubt that he will advocate austerity measures as a means to increase a country’s competitiveness. Yet, this is exactly what he dragged Greece into. 

Do you see the hypocrisy here? 

Considering his recent “achievements”, is George Papandreou a suitable person “to inspire students to consider careers in politics and public service”, which is the mission of your Institute? Do you understand that inviting this individual to lead a study group in your institution (an invitation that honors G. Papandreou and indicates that you hold high respect for him and his views) is a slap in the face for the Greek people? Please do not allow these seminars to continue. Cancel these seminars on the basis that you received many complaints from Greeks, and your prestigious Institute cannot afford to organize and sponsor questionable programs.

Thank you,

Vassiliki Aroniadou-Anderjaska, Ph.D.

Research Associate Professor

Dept. of Anatomy, Physiology, and Genetics

and Dept. of Psychiatry,

F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine


4301 Jones Bridge Road ,

Bethesda , MD 20814 ,

Re)designing Europe led by George Papandreou

A study group led by IOP FELLOW, George Papandreou

Mondays, 4:00-5:30pm, L166

WEEK ONE:  Date:  Sep. 24, 2012

The Eurozone Experiment

Europe is an historical experiment designed to ensure peace and prevent the continued conflicts on this continent, which led to two World Wars and the Holocaust during the last century. The boundaries of this experiment have been tested as the financial crisis morphed into a sovereign debt crisis. Greece took center stage in these developments.

But was this a Greek crisis, or are there flaws in the design of Europe, or is this a much wider crisis of the industrialized economies?

Bringing you my personal experience around the Greek debt crisis and the decisions we made in the European Union, we will explore what this crisis is all about.

I hope to link what is happening in Europe to wider issues that also pertain to the ongoing debate in the US.

Possible questions to explore:

Is this really a sovereign debt crisis, or is there something we are missing?

Is the European experience relevant to the US?

Is the US experience relevant to the EU?

WEEK TWO: Date, Oct. 15, 2012

Europe – A Solution to Global Challenges

Europe began as a peace project, linking different cultures, languages and sovereign states to a common future. Yet today this experiment of cooperation and interdependency is challenged to show whether or not it can become a model for dealing with global problems at the regional level.

Possible questions to explore:

How far can nations go alone in dealing effectively with global issues?

Why we need to cooperate on issues such as the financial crisis, global warming, the new role of the emerging economies, migration and poverty?

How are these issues and their solutions possibly linked?

Do we have the global institutions to cooperate effectively?

Looking at Europe could it become a model for other regions in dealing with these issues?


WEEK THREE: Date, Oct. __, 2012

How has Europe fared as a peace project?

Europe continues to play an important role as a peace project today.

It seems to have been effective in integrating disparate nations and cultures into a common union. Today the EU is 28 countries after Croatia’s accession. I like to label it a family of common values.

At the same time the recent crisis in Europe has questioned both these values of understanding -beyond borders- and Europe’s capability to further enlarge in membership or to positively influence events in its neighborhood.

From my experience in working in the Balkans, on Greek and EU/Turkey relations, the Arab neighborhood, we will try to explore the following questions:

How does the financial crisis and the internal debate in Europe affect the Arab Spring?

Is Europe capable of and should Europe continue to enlarge to the Western Balkans and Turkey?

What is the role Europe can and is playing in the Mid-East, Russia, and with Iran? Is European soft power effective?


WEEK FOUR: Date, Oct. __, 2012

Europe as a social project – how relevant?

Recent statements by officials have proclaimed that the European social model is dead!

The financial and the sovereign debt crisis have exacerbated this debate.

In Greece, Spain and other EU countries we are witnessing unprecedented unemployment. Youth unemployment has reached 50%.

We will therefore explore some of the following questions:

Is the European social model to blame for the sovereign debt?

Will austerity make our economies competitive?

Is high unemployment our destiny in major parts of the industrialized world?

What are the alternatives? We will examine the Nordic model in looking at viable alternatives.


WEEK FIVE: Date, Nov.__, 2012

And what about Democracy?

As we face global challenges we also face a politics beyond our borders. We face a globalized economy of many opportunities but few rules and regulations. Certainly little democratic accountability. Whether it is tax havens or labor laws, environmental issues or poverty, wealth production but also concentration of wealth, our human race seems to have the capacity today to solve these issues. Yet our democracies have been based on national institutions. And this seems to have disempowered us creating deep inequalities.

From personal experience in dealing with the financial crisis I believe that the European experiment begs the questions of how we can have democracy beyond national borders.

We will explore some of the following questions:

Who decides in a globalized economy? From lobbies to corruption.

Is Democracy beyond borders possible?

How do our citizens participate? From the internet to referenda: experience from Greece

Can our national institutions stand up to the pressures and concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a few in the globalized world? Do institutions matter?

Can a youth frustrated with traditional politics bring creative answers through new technology? Beyond borders? Or will we revert to introversion, nationalisms and fundamentalisms?WEEK SIX: Date to be determined

Let’s Redesign Europe - An exercise (radio/podcast program at IOC)

Is politics creative? Innovative? If so I ask you to come forth to (re)design a Europe worthy of its citizen’s expectations and effective in dealing with global issues. In doing so we may want to open up this discussion for innovative ideas through a study group’s podcast (if students are interested)

We would therefore explore:

What would be the basic values this union should rest upon

How do we create structures that ensure democratic, accountable rule beyond borders? What is (on the other hand) the role of local democracy, action and civic participation?

How big should this club become?

Who should pay for this project?

What kind of European identity? In a multicultural world how do we strengthen a sense of commonality while reveling in our diversity? (What does this mean for education, culture, religion, ethnicity, history & migration)

Can we learn anything from the Ancient Athenian Democratic Polis?

Study Group Type: 

Current Study Group

George Papandreou

Fall 2012 Visiting Fellow

George A. Papandreou graduated from Amherst College and holds an M.Sc. in Sociology and Development from London School of Economics. He was a fellow at Harvard University’s Center for International Affairs (1992-1993). An MP since 1981, he served in several government posts, as undersecretary of Culture and Minister of Education, before becoming Foreign Minister from 1999-2004.

Papandreou has received several honors for his commitment to promote peace and democracy, as well as for fighting racism, and notably for his successful campaign, as Foreign Minister, to engineer a rapprochement between Greece and Turkey.

Papandreou is Vice Chairperson of the International Olympic Truce Foundation, an institution he actively promoted when the city of Athens was awarded the 2004 Olympic Games. An active supporter of the information society and e-democracy, in 2003 Papandreou was selected as one of the “25 People Who are Changing the World of Internet Politics”.

As President of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) from January 2004 - March 2012, Papandreou launched radical reforms of the Greek party political system. He served as Prime Minister of Greece from October 2009 - November 2011.

Papandreou was unanimously elected as President of the Socialist International in January 2006, a position which he currently holds, as well as being a Member of the Greek Parliament.

George Papandreou is married to Ada, and has two children, Andreas and Margarita-Elena.