2013-06-05 10:22:01
Φωτογραφία για Συριακή τηλεόραση: Υπό τον πλήρη έλεγχο του Άσαντ το Κουσέιρ
Τα Συριακά μέσα ενημέρωσης πριν λίγο μετέδωσαν ότι ο Συριακός στρατός μετά από πολυήμερες μάχες με τους αντικαθεστωτικούς ανακατέλαβε την στρατηγική σημασίας πόλη Κουσέιρ και έχει τον πλήρη έλεγχό της.

Την είδηση την μετέδωσε και το Al Jazeera

The Syrian army has regained control of the strategic city of Qusayr on the border with Lebanon, Syrian state television has reported.

"Our heroic armed forces have returned security and stability to all of the town of Qusayr," a statement carried by the station said on Wednesday.

Government and rebel forces have been fighting a fierce battle for the control of the city for more than two weeks. The city is on a critical cross-border supply route between Lebanon and Syria. Al Jazeera's Rula Amin, reporting from the Lebanese capital Beirut, said the report was "just a claim" from a pro-government TV station,  but added that it had been preceded by regime forces' gains on the battle field.

"What we know is that the government made significant advances yesterday," she said, adding fighting was continuing as there were still "pockets of resistance" in the town.

Qusayr remains a strategic town for government troops and the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters battling alongside regime forces, said our correspondent. Syrian troops backed by Hezbollah fighters have besieged the town, which controls vital supply routes from Lebanon and access between the capital Damascus and the coastal heartland of President Bashar al-Assad's minority Alawite sect.

Missile hits Aleppo 

News of Qusayr's recapture came amid reports a missile had struck near the country's biggest city, Aleppo, killing 26 people. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the activists' network, said on Tuesday there were numerous dead on both government and rebel sides but gave no other details.

US-based group Human Rights Watch, meanwhile, said its mission to Aleppo had concluded that the bodies of 147 men pulled out of a local river between January and March were "probably" executed in government-controlled areas of the city. The SOHR also said shellfire near the Russian embassy in Damascus had killed a civilian and wounded a member of the security forces. A representative of the Russian embassy in Damascus told the AFP news agency two Syrian security guards had sustained injuries but that no embassy staff had been killed or hurt in the attack. Qusayr had come under renewed missile and air attack on Tuesdasy as fighting there dragged into a third week. The situation there prompted fresh calls for humanitarian access to offer some relief to the thousands trapped by government forces.
