2013-04-01 11:10:39
Φωτογραφία για Αντίο Audio Recorder ....
Με μια ανακοίνωση στην σελίδα του ο Ηλίας Λιμναίος αποφάσισε να σταματήσει το "Audio Recorder" το tweak που έφερε τόσο πανικό από άλλους για την επιτυχία και από κάποιους δέχτηκε τόση επίθεση για λόγους ασφαλείας όπως λένε γιατί θα διαρρεύσουν τα μυστικά τους.

Έτσι λοιπόν ο δημιουργός του Λιμναίος εξηγεί τους λόγους που είχε ενθουσιασμό για την επιτυχία του αλλά και την απόφαση  να μην ανεβεί ποτέ στον cydia και ας συνεχίζουν να κυκλοφορούν εκατοντάδες εφαρμογές του είδους για άλλα κινητά και τις μεγάλες εταιρίες να μας καταγράφουν χωρίς να έχουμε επιλογή να αρνηθούμε.

Διαβάστε ολόκληρο το κείμενο του Ηλία Λιμναίου.

Τα συμπεράσματα δικά σας...

Audio Recorder discontinued - March 31 2013I, Elias Limneos. sadly announce that I decided to stop distributing and working on "Audio Recorder" application.

As of today, Audio Recorder is discontinued.

Thank you all for your interest. Anyone who got it so far can keep it. The licensing server will remain online. I will provide package links if you own a license and need to re-install in the future. Contact my through my paypal email in this case.

Below I will explain my reasons:

I recently noticed that the release of this application has brought several contradictions and discussions.

As far as I am concerned, when I managed to create this application, I was only proud to be the first to announce that I achieved this and to see my hard work making this true.

It had been a matter that had troubled developers for a long time. It has been hard and painful to achieve, for sure.

I was very excited to achieve this. I looked in the mobile market and found that there are hundreds , if not thousands of applications that do the same thing, but not for iPhones.

I also found that there are applications for iPhone as well, on the App Store, that use a server to re-direct the call as a VOIP call, and record the voice data.

There are also hardware devices being sold, that give iPhones this ability.

So, since I saw this was a product that could go out on the market, I was happy I could add another great feature to this great device.

However, the matter has brought several contradictions and discussions.

Many conscious users can use this application as a reminder of an address that someone just gave you on the phone, as voice notes of an interview, doctor notes, business reminders, and many other proper uses.

It appears there are the unconscious users too, who may want to use this for other reasons.

Despite the fact that my legal advisors and lawyers informed me that by informing the user with the "Terms and Conditions" of this application,and also by not giving the user an option to secretly record someone else, since I have a vocal warning that plays to the other side notifying that the call will be recorded since it is not allowed in some countries, this makes this application totally legal, I see there are people that feel annoyed by the existence of such an application for iPhones.

My application had been launched with Terms and Conditions that explained the correct use of the application and warn about the legal complication in case of misuse

and only after you accept them, you may use it.

However, I received enough criticism to make me want to stop distributing this application.

(whereas there are many other applications that do the same thing on the App Store, without including my conscious warnings and terms, I may add. It appears it is totally legal to use such an application, as long as you use it properly, and there is no blame to put on the developer who was aiming for exactly such a proper use of his creation.)

Also, the official repositories did not want to host this application, perhaps for the same reasons that I am stopping it for.

I appreciate anyone of my twitter followers, my awesome customers and whoever else shared my excitement

I appreciate the people of my country that told me they feel proud for me being a greek developer managing such a difficult thing.

I am sorry for the rest that feel differently.

Note: I have not given permission to any repository to distribute my application.

I would KINDLY ask any official or unofficial REPOSITORY distributing my application to stop distribution now. In the worst case they decide not to, (e.g. cracked applications repos) I want my name to be removed from the package name and my application's settings.


Elias Limneos, iOS developer. argonaytis-iphone