2014-06-30 10:05:48

KURDS HAVE RIGHT FOR SELF-DETERMINATIONKurdistan Regional Government believe that Kurds have right for self-determination for independence, especially after the new situation in Iraq where country has been fully divided between Sunnis and Shias.
By Roni Alasor and Lorin Sarkisian
Middle East Diplomatic, 26 June 2014 - Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) believe that Kurds have right for self-determination for independence, especially after the new situation in Iraq where country has been fully divided between Sunnis and Shias. Iran working hardly against Kurdish right for self-determination for independence.
Dr. Fuad Hussein, the chief strategist of the Kurdistan Regional Government, says that Kurds have right for self-determination and the ground will be prepared for independence vote. Earlier President of Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani also gave signs for referendum in “disputed” Kurdish cities as Kerkuk and future of Kurds.
In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Dr. Hussein underlines that “Self-determination is our right. But that has a process, an internal process, and an external process. We will establish this process of discussion in our society, because internally you must prepare the ground for independence vote”.
After the terror attacks in Mosul and other places in Iraq by jihadists Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), several international key figures from US-EU-UN visited Kurdistan Region and met with President Massoud Barzani. Among them were U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, UN Special Representative for Iraq Nikolai Mladenov.
Dr. Fuad Hussein analyzes the current situation in Iraq: “In the pre-Mosul period, Iraq was united and it had an army. In the Post-Mosul period, Iraq is divided. The Sunni community has got their area and ISIL became one of the main forces in Sunni areas. In the Post-Mosul period, Iraqi army collapsed. Instead of Iraqi army in Baghdad, it’s [Shia militias] Asa’ib al-Haq, Badr army, Mahdi army...These are two different eras.”
Mr. Hussein is convinced that Kurds should build their own future and insure stability and prosperity: “We are trying to make it clear to everybody: This was not the Iraq that we wanted. This was not the Iraq that the Kurdish people struggled for. We were fighting for a democratic Iraq. We were fighting for a federal Iraq. We were fighting for an Iraq that respects human rights, women’s rights, religious minority rights, the rights of every group. Now, it is unfortunate, we have got on one side militias that are the dominant forces, and on the other side terrorists that are the dominant forces. They are fighting each other and we cannot solve it.”
Iran working hardly against Kurdish right for self-determination for independence.
KURDS HAVE RIGHT FOR SELF-DETERMINATIONKurdistan Regional Government believe that Kurds have right for self-determination for independence, especially after the new situation in Iraq where country has been fully divided between Sunnis and Shias.
By Roni Alasor and Lorin Sarkisian
Middle East Diplomatic, 26 June 2014 - Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) believe that Kurds have right for self-determination for independence, especially after the new situation in Iraq where country has been fully divided between Sunnis and Shias. Iran working hardly against Kurdish right for self-determination for independence.
Dr. Fuad Hussein, the chief strategist of the Kurdistan Regional Government, says that Kurds have right for self-determination and the ground will be prepared for independence vote. Earlier President of Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani also gave signs for referendum in “disputed” Kurdish cities as Kerkuk and future of Kurds.
In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Dr. Hussein underlines that “Self-determination is our right. But that has a process, an internal process, and an external process. We will establish this process of discussion in our society, because internally you must prepare the ground for independence vote”.
After the terror attacks in Mosul and other places in Iraq by jihadists Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), several international key figures from US-EU-UN visited Kurdistan Region and met with President Massoud Barzani. Among them were U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, UN Special Representative for Iraq Nikolai Mladenov.
Dr. Fuad Hussein analyzes the current situation in Iraq: “In the pre-Mosul period, Iraq was united and it had an army. In the Post-Mosul period, Iraq is divided. The Sunni community has got their area and ISIL became one of the main forces in Sunni areas. In the Post-Mosul period, Iraqi army collapsed. Instead of Iraqi army in Baghdad, it’s [Shia militias] Asa’ib al-Haq, Badr army, Mahdi army...These are two different eras.”
Mr. Hussein is convinced that Kurds should build their own future and insure stability and prosperity: “We are trying to make it clear to everybody: This was not the Iraq that we wanted. This was not the Iraq that the Kurdish people struggled for. We were fighting for a democratic Iraq. We were fighting for a federal Iraq. We were fighting for an Iraq that respects human rights, women’s rights, religious minority rights, the rights of every group. Now, it is unfortunate, we have got on one side militias that are the dominant forces, and on the other side terrorists that are the dominant forces. They are fighting each other and we cannot solve it.”
Iran working hardly against Kurdish right for self-determination for independence.
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